24.04.2024 05:00:08 CEST (GMT+02:00)
Service Health Status

Check Status Letzte Prüfung
Server ARP (monitor.econda-monitor.de)
ARP Availability (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:16
Server Cross Sell Services (services.crosssell.info)
HTTP OK 24.04.2024 04:59:59
Server Cross Sell Widgets (widgets.crosssell.info)
HTTP OK 24.04.2024 04:59:56
Server Mailing Product Services (image.crosssell.info)
ContentService (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:28
Images (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:35
Redirects (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:21
Server Postview Tracking (ww1.econda-monitor.de)
PV Tracking Europe (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:37
Server Tracking and Redirects (www.econda-monitor.de)
Redirects Americas (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:08
Redirects Asia/Pac. (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:11
Redirects Europe (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:40
Redirects Wordlwide (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:29
Tracking Americas (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 05:00:00
Tracking Asia/Pac. (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:56:36
Tracking Europe (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:25
Tracking Worldwide (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:09
Server Web Servers UI and REST (monitor.econda-monitor.de)
Monitor Frontend (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:45
Rest (HTTP) OK 24.04.2024 04:59:34